Sunday, April 26, 2009

choosing your wedding colors

One of the most difficult things for me while planning my own wedding, was deciding on the colors.  I agonized over whether to use colors that were trendy, that I loved, or use something that seemed more traditional and timeless, that I liked, but wasn't yet in love with.  In the end I ended up with a color scheme that included mainly silver, coral (not peach!!) and ivory, with touches of pink and green.  I kept other elements in the wedding more timeless, so that the colors could add some fun to the day.

Of course after my wedding I have discovered some wonderful resources for color palette ideas.  The first of which is the blog written by Abby Larson, Style Me Pretty.  Her 'wedding resources' tab houses some amazing inspiration bits that can get any bride's mind buzzing.  Another great place for color palette inspiration is The Perfect Palette.  The best part?  You can e-mail her some colors you are interested in and the mood you would like your wedding to convey, and she will create a custom inspiration board just for you!

Happy wedding planning!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

happy hump day!

It may be Wednesday, but that means we are halfway to Friday! I just can't get enough of the weekends. In my opinion, a four day work week should be instituted, it would make everyone much happier. Anyway...

I thought I'd post a few more pictures of my design samples. Enjoy!


Sunday, April 12, 2009

little details, big impact

Looking back at my own invitations, there is one thing I really wish I would have done.  Custom stamps.  Now don't get me wrong, the stamp does not make or break an invitation, but custom stamps add that extra little piece of flair that ties into the invitation design.

A custom stamp could feature a photo, or an element from your custom designed invitations.  You're going to need postage anyway, so why not make it look great as well?  If you're interested in a custom stamp design don't hesitate to ask!


Thursday, April 2, 2009

a long overdue post

So I turned out to be a blogging failure. But one of my goals this year is to change that. I went 3 full months with out starting on that goal, but hey. At least I'm actually going to start!

I've been pretty busy the past couple of weeks getting together invitations for my friend Emily. I'll post photos after we get them all put together tonight!

I do have photos to share of some of my samples that have been put together. Eventually they will make it to the website, but for now they can hang out on the blog. Here are a few of my favorites:


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